Different ways of understanding communication: From models to a humanistic theory of communication

Btissam CHINKHIR * and Ahmed IBRAHIMI

A research team in educational science, language didactics, human and social sciences, Higher Normal School of Tetouan, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 13(01), 250–260.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.13.1.0410
Publication history: 
Received on 29 July 2024; revised on 07 September 2024; accepted on 10 September 2024
If the theme of social relations is often impregnated in information and communication sciences, it is generally on the front page of power. How to succeed in human relations is rather a fruitful subject in all political and social intentions. Paradoxically, what unites us divides us is communication: "We can only communicate!", a paraphrase of Watzlawick. It would be equally misleading to believe that there is a situation of uncommunication between two or more people. Is to communicate the desire to exercise an action or an action towards the other person for often interpersonal purposes. For a long time, the term "communication", borrowed from pooling, has been introduced into the vocabulary of institutions for strategic purposes, its use most often stems from an organizational approach of a marketing or even socio-economic nature. Although the authors of communication theories have succeeded each other in competition, each new schema tries to violently beat its predecessors in order to reach the highest degree of generality.
The article will begin to circumscribe communication as a complex concept and fashionable value. Secondly, he will visit some research carried out by communication specialists and which has contributed to the development of models leading to what is now called " information and communication theories ". In the course of this archaeological study and in a succinct way, the article will pause on developing axioms and paradigms (context-meaning-construction-noise-feedback) consecutively from the interaction of the three components of a communication situation and in the most stripped-down way (source-message-channel-target).
Communication; Theories and models of communication; Components of a communication situation; Axioms and paradigms in development
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